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5 Harmful Foods Pregnant Women Should Never Eat

pregnant women should never eat

Weird food cravings and eating patterns are quite common with pregnancy, however, there are certain foods pregnant women should never eat because they pose direct damage to the child’s health. The food you eat during pregnancy doesn’t just support your personal well-being but also has a direct effect on the development and growth of your child. Eating low-nutrient or high-calorie foods can affect the correct supply of nutrition to your child and consequently their well-being.

Here Are Five Harmful Foods Pregnant Women Should Never Eat:

  1. Raw/ uncooked fish: Pregnant women need to avoid poorly cooked fish like sushi and other seafood because they usually contain bacteria that might be harmful to the child and mother. Raw fish like Sushi, mackerel, and swordfish contain high mercury which is a metal property, consuming this dangerous property can affect the baby’s seeing, hearing, and brain abilities. Avoid taking foods high in mercury during your pregnancy.
  2. Raw egg: Eggs can be a great source of protein, calcium, and amino acids for pregnant women, however, it could endanger their health when it is eaten raw or poorly cooked. This is because raw eggs are likely to contain Salmonella infection which can lead to serious fever and diarrhea in less than 72 hours of exposure. In extreme cases, it can restrict the general growth and development of the fetus, and increase the chances for preterm delivery (delivery before 37 weeks of pregnancy). Some foods that contain raw eggs that should be avoided include; homemade ice cream and cake icing.
  3. Alcohol: Taking alcoholic food and drinks threatens the health of the baby and increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Researchers prove that even a small amount of alcohol can affect babies’ brains and affect their cognitive ability as they mature into adolescence and teenagehood. A report also shows the possible connection between taking alcohol and negative child behaviors. Alcohol tops the chart for the list of foods pregnant women should never eat.
  4. Caffeine: Caffeine isn’t unhealthy, however when taken during pregnancy, it could affect your sleeping pattern, make you jittery, and cause serious indigestion. Consuming 500 mg of caffeine every day in the third trimester of pregnancy is likely to increase your heart rate, shaking, increased breathing rate, and cause you to spend more time awake in the days following birth. Taking caffeine can negatively affect embryo implantation during midterm pregnancy as children don’t have the ability to process caffeine. It can also result in pregnancy loss, low birth weight, and impaired brain development in offspring on postnatal day.
  5. Organ meat (Liver): Another food pregnant women should never eat is liver. This particular food contains high levels of vitamin A in the form of retinol which is dangerous and toxic to a developing baby. Even a small quantity can pose a serious threat to your baby. It is also known to have the Salmonella bacteria which causes fever and diarrhea in babies after they are born. In the worst cases, it could lead to blood diseases.
Benefits of Greek Yogurt for pregnant women


Other foods pregnant women should never eat include unwashed fruits or ultra-processed foods. As a pregnant woman, you need to pay attention to your baby’s needs more than you pay attention to your body or cravings. You need to take food that boosts up your immune system as well as that of your child. Replace unhealthy meals and drinks with highly healthy meals filled with protein, calcium, and vitamins. Greek Yogurt is one of the easiest ways to eat healthy, even if you are not a fruit fan, you can combine this with fiber fruits and nuts to boost your immune system.

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