Which is more Nutritious: Greek Yogurt or Regular Yogurt?

Greek yogurt or regular yogurt

Opting for a healthy diet and then encountering the array of yogurt options on the store shelf can momentarily leave you pondering – which yogurt packs more nutrients: Greek yogurt or Regular yogurt? Despite their shared deliciousness and milk-based origins, they exhibit distinct consistencies and nutrient profiles. In this article, we aim to elucidate these distinctions and their impact on your dietary decisions.

Regular yogurt

Regular yogurt is made by bacterial fermentation of milk. The fermentation process occurs when bacteria culture is added to milk, the bacteria feed on its naturally occurring sugar-lactose. This process converts the lactose to lactic acid, bringing about the sharp tart yogurt taste. As this acid combines with the protein in milk, it begins to conform to a creamy and thick texture that becomes yogurt.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is simply strained regular yogurt. After the yogurt processing is over as described above, the creamy yogurt is put into a bag to be strained traditionally, in order to reduce the whey and liquid in the yogurt. This results in a more thicker resolution and a tartier taste. Many dieticians also propose that the removal of the whey makes Greek yogurt less sugary.

Greek yogurt or Regular yogurt

The main difference between the two is the straining process and removal of whey and liquid. This filtration process makes Greek yogurt tangier, thicker, and higher in protein. Regular yogurt on the other hand remains thinner and less proteinous in comparison to Greek yogurt. Regular yogurt is also known to be higher in calcium content which can be found in the whey it contains. However, it is sweeter and higher in carb content. Greek yogurt also tends to be more expensive than regular yogurt, because more milk goes into making each cup.

The table below shows an estimate of the Nutritional Difference between our Greek and Regular Yogurt.

Source: Zayith Yogurt

SERVING: 100gZayith GREEK YogurtZayith REGULAR Yogurt
Energy173 Kcal90.01 Kcal
Total fat (g)5.0g4.35g
Protein (g)30.44g11.26g

Also, research shows that the by-product from Greek yogurt, that is whey, can be used by farmers in fertilizing their crops or as supplements to their livestock feed. 

Which Yogurt to choose:

The decision of what yogurt to choose is largely dependent on your taste preference and health goal. Greek yogurts are more versatile and can be used for various purposes. It can be used in making smoothies, fruit/chocolate/cake parfaits, marinating chicken, and cooking. Also, it is higher in protein and less carb which is great for people wanting to burn off fat, as it gives a quick filling effect.

If a filling, nutrient-filled snack is what you are looking for, greek yogurt is your best bet. With frozen fruit and two spoons of honey or syrup, your quick meal is ready. However, it is usually more expensive than regular yogurt as it requires more cream to fill a cup than Greek yogurt. Regular Yogurts are naturally sweeter than Greek yogurt, so if you want a tangy delicious drink to slather your taste buds, this is for you.. Higher calcium, more affordable, and natural sweetness are what regular yogurt has to offer. Like Greek yogurt, it can also be used in marinating, and garnishing soups or as a substitute for sour cream.


Regardless of what team you choose–Greek yogurt or Regular yogurt, you’re in for some nutritious tartiness. They both offer high nutrients in comparison to soda, processed fruit drinks, and carbonated drinks, they also offer probiotics that help to keep your gut healthy. For meal plans and creative combo ideas on how to use Greek yogurt or regular yogurt in your daily meal, check us out on social media or subscribe to our newsletter. Let yogurt inspire the creativity in you.

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